Friends of HAY
Friends of HAY is dedicated to the sustainability of the Hawlemont, Agriculture, and You (HAY) program at Hawlemont Regional Elementary School through hands-on and financial support to augment program needs identified by the teaching and administrative staff. Please visit our website for more information.
If you would like to get involved, please contact Sheila Litchfield via email or phone at (413) 337-4957.
Ways to Help
We always appreciate help with:
- Completion of staff wish-list items
- Communication as needed with school committee, PTO, or other district entities
- Coordinating and undertaking minor repairs to barn or other program-related structures.
- Supporting and conducting major building projects, i.e. building raised beds, adding shelves in barn, new door to chicken coop, and new tool shed
- Animal husbandry support
- Assurance of food supplies or other needs for animals
- Provision of and care of animals
- Provision of educational programs in support of the HAY program
- Technical support for webpage, program brochures, and Facebook page
- Assistance planning and implementing conferences
- Program or event promotion/public relations
- Fundraising as needed
- Tracking in-kind donations/volunteer support
- Assisting with grant writing or other written documents
- Program outreach within and outside of the community
- Researching or finding equipment or resources as needed
- Volunteer coordination